OpenBB 2 year anniversary 🎉
Today is OpenBB 2 years anniversary of our incorporation. So it’s important to look back and understand the magnitude of what we achieved in 24 months.
In that time we’ve had:
- 100k+ downloads of our installer since we started tracking it
- 2.5M bot commands have been run on Discord and Telegram from over 40k users
- GitHub project grew from 8k stars to 23k+, becoming #1 open source project in the topic of finance
- Our Discord group grew from 1k users to 13k+
- Our SDK has been pip installed over 25k times
- Our team grew from 3 to 19 around the globe
- For more, see
But where were we 2 years ago?
- Only Gamestonk Terminal, the name OpenBB only appeared when we came out of stealth mode in March 2022
- No OpenBB Hub (only launched in May 2023)
- No OpenBB SDK (only launched in Dec 2022)
- No OpenBB Bot (only launched in July 2022)
- No Terminal Pro or Excel Add-In early alpha (development started in 2023)
- No SDK v4 which allows community and data providers to build their own data connectors, easily (to be announced soon)
- No community routines — our first feature aimed at community with upvoting and sharing of routines
- No open source PyWry — A web-view rendering library in python we open source in Feb 2023
- No OpenBB Champions — Our way to highlight users that do impressive work on top of our ecosystem
- No partnerships with universities, financial societies or investment clubs
- No partnerships with data vendors — now we have close relationships with most vendors you would know
If we only focus on where Gamestonk Terminal was 2 years ago we had:
- Static charts using matplotlib (Interactive ones using PyWry was launched in May 2023)
- No way for users to run routines from other users from the terminal directly (launched 3 days ago)
- No AskOBB feature with LlamaIndex (launched in June 2023)
- No way for users to customise the terminal, select default data sources and set their API keys — all from the Hub
- No way to double click an installer and get started in a few minutes — hassle free
- The documentation on markdown files across the repository, today people often praise our documentation in conversations
- No AI features, no reports menu, no dashboards menu, no fixed income, no futures, …
- And the OpenBB Terminal charts looked like this
Bill Gates said the famous saying, “People overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years”.
In fast-paced startups, I think a better sentence would be, “People overestimate what they can do in one week and underestimate what they can do in 1 year”.
Looking forward to continue building the future of investment research, we’re just getting started.
PS: On a personal level within those 2 years: I quit my full-time job to build OpenBB, got 2 dogs, got married and moved to the Bay Area. Life is great ❤️